Planting seeds
It’s early March, the sun is shining a bit longer, it air feels warmer than usual, and the occassional rain is feeding the bulbs that are just emerging from the Earth. It’s not quite spring yet but it’s defintely in the air. And as an avid gardener and amateur herbalist, I’m mentally planning for a North New Jersey garden season. And not just my physical garden I’m thinking, but my mental and emotional garden as well.

A Healing space
I recall reading an article, a few years ago, about a local doctor who gave up his medical practice to buy a farm right here in New Jersey. The farm, grew organic food and provided a healing space for his patients to heal from their conditions. It turns out that clean food, time in nature, and guidance can be a cure for many of the conditions that plague the citizens of the Western world.

Diastasis recti: you think you know, but you have no idea
Diastasis recti, what is really is, how to test yourself to know if you have it, and 3 tips for minimizing.

Pains of being pregnant
Those annoying pains, hemorrhoids, lack of energy, and who can forget the leakage with a sneeze. You probably didn’t you know that physical therapy can manage some of the less than pleasant feelings.

6 Simple ways to relieve pubic symphysis pain
Small movement, separation or inflammation at your pubic symphysis, located between your pubic bones, can be a big pain in the pelvis. Because you have enough things to deal with during your pregnancy and after birth, here are a few simple things you can do to decrease your pubic symphysis pain.

Urinary incontinence, it's not so funny when it's you
Incontinence is the inability to hold urine, gas or feces when you intend to. One of the roles of your pelvic floor muscles, the internal muscles in and around the vagina, penis, and rectum, is to prevent such leakage during inappropriate times.

So you haven't pooped in a few days. What's normal and what’s not.
Constipation affects everyone sooner or later. It affects women more often than men, and the likelihood also increases with age and pregnancy. Did you know that constipation is the second most common complaint among pregnant women? Whatever the reason, here are some things that can be done to manage and even prevent constipation.

To Kegel or not to Kegel?
When doing Kegels, the relaxation and lengthening are often forgotten about, resulting in muscles that are too strong and too short. This blogs teaches you how to do a Kegel the right way.

A postpartum practice in France that will make you jealous
While I was pregnant with my second baby, I became intrigued by how women in other countries are cared for after the birth of their babies. . The most fascinating postpartum practice I came across, however, was France’s la rééducation périnéale.

Your new favorite doctor for prenatal and postpartum care
During pregnancy, there are number of medical appointments. After a while, it gets overwhelming, but there’s one doctor you will want to add to your list of doctors to frequent for both your pregnancy and postpartum care.

Physical Therapy vs Chiropractic Care?
Moms need to have a team of providers working together to make the pregnancy and post-partum the best possible. Even though so many people think PTs and Chiros are the same, our focus is different.

Prenatal exercise: here are the basics
I want you to exercise, I just want you to be safe while you are doing so. And unfortunately, there’s plenty of misinformation out there on the internet and on the gym floor about what’s safe and what’s not.

Find time and creative ways to exercise
Finding time to exercise can feel like a chore. But what you may not know is that you don’t need a lot of time, a gym, fancy equipment or even yoga pants to get your exercise on. You can turn any part of your day into a workout.

Sex hurts? Try a tool for relief
Heck yes to dilators! But before you dish out the cash to make your purchase, there’s a few things to consider.

Your chronic pain is in your head
When it comes to chronic pain, the stimulus to the pain may not be there anymore, yet the brain reacts as if it is. What gives?

Prepare your pelvic floor for birth
What I learned from personal and clinical experience as a pelvic floor PT.