Planting seeds
It’s early March, the sun is shining a bit longer, the air feels warmer than usual, and the occassional rain is feeding the bulbs that are just emerging from the Earth. It’s not quite spring yet but it’s defintely in the air. And as an avid gardener and amateur herbalist, I’m mentally planning for a North New Jersey garden season. And not just my physical garden, but my mental and emotional garden as well. As with any garden, one has to assess the current state, determine what supplies and tools are needed, and prepare the space for planting before the planting can begin. Even as plants begin to emerge, work needs to be done on a regular basis to maintain the garden, including removing overgrowth, watering and providing nutrients as needed. Before harvesting can begin, work has to be done to ensure a good growing season.
Kale bouquet, 2023
The same is true for our mental and emotional gardens as well. The same process of preparation and maintainece has to take place before the harvest. Spring Clear Intention was designed for exactly that process. Maybe at the start of the year you created goals, resolutioins or intentions for yourself. How did that go? Most people don’t actually follow through with those goals. But when you set reasonable and clear goals with a step by step process, you’re more likely to see those goals come to life. Clear Intention was designed to make that more likley because it doesn’t just include journal prompts to help you get clear on your true desires, it incorporates deep meditative and hypnotic suggestions that change your brain. Thanks neuroscience and neuroplasticity for the win!
Head over to the shop if you’re curious. And if your’e curious, that your subconscious telling you that you need it (wink).
P.S. If you want to see what I grow, follow me over on IG where I will occasionally share photos and videos during the growing season: @lotuspelvicpt.